Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ted Kennedy died. It is a sad day for us all for so many reasons that I cannot begin to express the profound loss we are all feeling today.

There will undoubtedly be a day or so of public statements from both sides of the political aisle as the politicians fall all over themselves to be seen as someone who cared deeply for Kennedy. And undoubtedly, there will likely be a few who truly can call him close friend. Their words will have meaning to the family and friends of the Kennedy clan.

All that having been said, in a day or so after that, Senators on both sides will begin making plans for the future asking the question, "How can we capitalize on this event."

Sound too harsh? Yes. But that is what will happen. John Boehner undoubtedly is figuring out how he can best gain from this event. There may be emails going back and forth behind the scenes from Republican Senator to Big Business CEO praising God for this gift he has bestowed upon them.

The Congressman of C-Street house, run by the Family , are figuring out how best to come out against the Massachusetts Governor appointing a temporary replacement for the late Sen. Kennedy's seat. They are calculating how best to strongly oppose any such move without appearing too heartless.

I imagine John Boehner, with his trademark scowl, is sending out urgent messages to all of his powerful allies: "We cannot let Obama win...Kennedy's seat must remain vacant!"
What will the Democrats do? Well, if history is any guide, they will defend Ted Kennedy's legacy vigorously, vow to get Health Care Reform done, and in the end, accomplish very little because they are too busy fighting with one another to focus on the job that we put them there to complete.

Do I sound a bit bitter? To borrow a few words from Sarah Palin: "Yep, You Betcha."

p.s., I hope the Dems prove me wrong on this one.


  1. You make a good point. I would go further and suggest that both Dems & Reps have been plotting for months how to position themselves after his death. I can only hope you're wrong about the Democrats ability & willingness to fight vigorously for health care reform. We'll see.

  2. So - the alcoholic, coke loving girlfriend murderer is dead? The man not fit to lick his brother's boots is deceased? The pointless tub of lard who blocked a Senate seat for god knows how long has gone to Boot Hill?
    Good riddance to bad trash.
