Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Call To Action

August recess is almost over and our Senators on the Democratic side are getting an ear full. The only problem is they are hearing from the religious right, but not from all of us in the center and left. But why aren't they? Why don't our senators feel empowered to step up and take bold action in favor of Health care Reform? Because you are not standing up!

We have been largely silent since this reform debate has begun. We have turned over the argument to the GOP and their twisted ideas of what government should be about. Instead of allowing government to do for people that which they cannot do for themselves, we have let Republicans use government to line the pockets of the rich.

When the bail outs were being given out, all of the large multinational corporations were in line saying they needed a helping hand. They were too big to fail. But whenever someone dared suggest we help out Middle America, or God forbid the poor people of this country, they were pushed aside and ridiculed for such a ridiculous notion. Now, on the eve of real change, the Republican Party has decided to spread lies and half truths in order to further their agenda: Break the Obama Administration.

The Republican machine, led by Limbaugh, Palin, and others, continue to push lies and hate speech in order to get you confused. They say that reform is too expensive, will involve rationing, and will kill your Grandma. Inflammatory right? How about, "Obama hates white people?" or "Our Country is being turned into another Russia." All designed to get a segment of the population enraged in order to appear as though the average American is against Health Care Reform. Even now, the GOP is enlisting the help of as many recognizable figures as possible to further their agenda.

Enter Sarah Palin. Yep, you bethca. She is out there saying the Bill (which does not yet exist) will include "death Panels" in which big government will decide whether your aging loved ones live or die. OH COME ON PEOPLE! Really? Does anyone really believe this? The answer unfortunately is, Yes. Some of you actually do. Why? Because a Republican told you so. Sarah Palin told you this and you actually believed it was possible. But guess what. These so called death panels actually do exist. But they are not death panels, but insurance executives making that decision with the stroke of their almighty pen. They decide whether or not to give your mother her cancer medication; or your brother his physical therapy after sustaining horrific injuries defending the US on behalf of each of you in Iraq. I bet Sarah never mentions that bit of information. Amazingly, the GOP aren't alone in all of this. We have the fiscal conservative Democrats helping the Republican Party as well.

The Blue Dogs are out there fighting for the Republican ideal as well. They cannot see that nearly 70% of this country expects real Reform to happen this year. Instead, they claim concern for the cost of reform, yet when offered pet projects for their home states, or kick backs from big business, they fold. What they really are boils down to a gun for hire. Whoever has the deepest pockets wins their loyalty. We cannot continue on this path any longer. Now is the time to get active.

So Stand Up! Be heard wherever you go. Talk about the truth to dispel the lies. Visit Reality Check on the Whitehouse website to be sure you are armed with facts. Get involved by visit your Senators offices and talking with them face to face. Send them a handwritten letter explaining your serious concerns. Call them on the phone until you speak with them directly. They must be held to account. And remember, Obama cannot do this without you. If you thought voting him into office was the only contribution you would have to make, YOU WERE WRONG. He needs us to get this thing done. So get off the couch and fight back America!

Yes We Can!

Call Your Senator Today, then tell me about it. I expect you to do your part and let us all know about it here on the Blog. Now get to work!

Get active America
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