Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nancy Pilosi

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi has done the unthinkable! She took a stand in congress. Bravo to Ms Pelosi for stating without a doubt that the House would not pass any bill related to Healthcare Reform that did not have a strong public option component.

That is what is desperately needed in our congress people. Cojones.

Now its your turn to do something. I need you to go out there and talk to your Senator about the need for a strong public option. We all know that without it, there can be no real change in healthcare. Your doctor bills will continue to grow and the insurance companies will get even richer.

Please also contact the Whitehouse and tell Barack Obama he has your support to go it alone without the Republicans. It is clear they don't want to play ball. They are only concerned about the next election cycle.


  1. Go see Endgame by Alex Jones. Your much vaunted President intends to use a social publicly funded health system to carry out eugenic mass murder against the old, crippled and crazy - just like Hitler.

  2. willcobbett, it is sad you choose to spend your time on earth spreading your brand of hate.
