Wednesday, November 4, 2009
See My Articles on
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Haters Keep on Hating
If there is ever a time when we as a country should be celebrating, it was during the Presidents bid for the 2016 Olympics. But now, we have a sitting President who has won the Nobel Peace Prize. And yet, we see the Republican Party and political pundits digging for dirt. Sensationalism.
I had an opportunity to be awake at 3a.m. central in time for the announcement. Surprised? Absolutely. A recognition of Obama's message of hope the world over. So when I hear Politicians exclaim, "It is a gift to the right" in stead of "congratulations" I am witness to the inescapable hatred and defiant nature of the GOP.
Why in the world will they never simply be happy for the President of the United States. All of our President. I keep looking for an ounce of decency in their party but there is none. From the subtle insults to the outright racism that permeats their "oppose everything" style of legislating, they bring great shame to us all.
It doesn't matter if he is working on the Economy, the Environment, or Health Care, the Republicans have decided that opposing him at every turn is the best strategy for 2010. You see, it is not about your wellbeing or mine, it is all about the political calculation they have made which is dependent on Obama's complete failure.
So, by all means...take care of yourselves and don't get sick. But if you do, then "Die Quickly" because their party doesn't care about anything but helping the rich get richer and the poor thrown onto the streets.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Oh Sarah. May Your Wisdom Live On.
Remember these moments?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Paul Kirk. A Political Move?
Let’s think a moment: we need to see a stronger effort on the part of Democratic leaders to shape health care reform in a way that is meaningful to the American people. It is clear that the opposition is not interested in participating so it is time for the Dems to step up and get it done.
Nancy Pelosi announced during her weekly news conference, as reported by CNN, “she expects a final version soon that would have the support of the full Democratic caucus, which holds a majority in the House.”
Pelosi commented, "We're on course to be ready soon" to put out a bill to the full House.
This means that it is possible to have a Bill that could gain the full support of the Democrats without need of a single Republican vote. If we can get something passed, it will mean a great deal to the party and the President. It can also be a political pitfall for the Republican Party. That is what is at stake.
So to answer the earlier question, was the appointment of Paul Kirk political? The short answer is YES.
Big Change is Coming!
Our new site will be a
Look for us on 9/26/09.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Let's Get It Done!
Glenn Beck and the 912 Project
The 9 Principles
o I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
o The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
o If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
o I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
o I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
o It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
o The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
The 12 Values
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Joe Wilson.
Perhaps it is time to get the House Un-American Activities Committee going again to investigate Joe Wilson. His behavior during the Presidential Address to Congress was certainly not what I would call collegial. The man actually called your President (and mine) a liar. “You Lie” could be heard across the chamber. My mouth fell open. I could not believe the disrespect Joe Wilson displayed.
The other thing I noticed was the cool enjoyment by fellow Republicans, some of whom “spontaneously“held preprinted signs during the speech expressing their quiet opposition. In case you missed it, the display was nothing less than choreographed. Nothing the President said was a surprise and therefore could not have allowed for spontaneous outburst. Obama did not say anything surprising to Congress since they get a copy of his speech before hand.
Clearly good ol’ boy Joe wanted to continue the ridiculous trend of disruption during town hall meetings. He wanted to step it up a bit by showing that our President was also subject to the anti-American behavior displayed by GOP-Limbaugh-Beck supporters.
Remember the run up to the Iraq War when President Bush actually did lie. Does anyone recall how many hecklers shouted out “You Lie” during any Bush address? ZERO. That is because the Democrats respected the office even if disagreeing with the policy.
No Matter the disagreement, Obama has earned everyone’s respect. Including Joe Wilsons’. We can all agree that health care is a difficult topic filled with heated opinions and wild speculation. But until we can tone down the nonsense in order to review the facts, there can be no real discussion.
Shame on you, Joe Wilson. Shame on you for your disrespect and veiled hatred for President Obama. Shame on you for failure to add any real ideas for reform. Shame on you and the GOP for “no-matter-the-issue”, oppose everything, approach to serving your constituents. You dishonor the American Government. You disgrace the American spirit. And above all, you showed the American citizen just how low your party is willing to go to protect the Insurance Industry.
Not willing to apologize again? You should apologize again and again, over and over, until the average American can believe you are truly sincere. You should stand before Congress like a man of honor and express your horror at your behavior. Give a very public apology face to face with President Obama to show us that you actually care about what happens to all citizens…not just the ones who support you.
For you see, this debate is not just about what is best for you, or the insurance industry, it is also about what is best for the rest of us as well. Until you start offering real ideas on how we can change health care in this country and significantly bring down costs, you will forever remain in the shadows, mere pawn of the insurance industry, devoid of character or compassion.
You brought great shame to Congress. You add insult to injury by actually autographing memorabilia related to your outburst. Shame on you.
I don’t expect much from you. I suspect you will seek haven among Republican peers who secretly support you; among Fox (Opinion) News Network who will ensure your celebrity among the extremist on the right; and you will go on encouraging more civil disobedience because you want nothing more than the total defeat of President Obama no matter what the cost to the American Citizen.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Respect the Office of the President of the United States
Can you imagine the controversy if Democrats had showed such disrespect for then President Bush? I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but Bush ACTUALLY lied to Congress.
Were I Obama, that South Carolina Senator would be persona non grata around the WHitehouse going forward.
Have you seen it? Take a look:
Friday, September 4, 2009
Reality of War
There is a photo of a U.S. Marine who had his leg severed during a rocket attack in Afghanistan. It can be seen at The photo shows the reality of war and the consequences…real consequences that come from it.
Up until now, we have been isolated from this harsh reality by our government. I think it interesting that we Americans claim the high ground on so many fronts including the invasion of other countries; all in the name of spreading democracy. Yet we fear showing the truth behind the consequences of such stances.
Why can’t we see this truth?
I understand the need for the family affected to have privacy surrounding the death of a loved one. I can only imagine their pain at such a devastating time. And yet I can also see the need to show exactly that pain for the population to see firsthand. By doing so, we force people to face up to the hypocrisy that permeates our society.
Yeah! Patriotism. Democracy. Freedom.
These words sound great on the surface. But most people don’t realize the responsibility and work that goes along with being part of this Democracy. Instead we would rather not think very much. We want others to do most of the heavy lifting for us. That is why we have so many following organized religions. Why so many gravitate toward opinion entertainment like FOX News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others. These people say the outrageous things that we cannot in our daily lives. It is easy. No thinking required.
So to answer my earlier question; “ Why can’t we see the truth?” The answer is: we don’t want to be reminded of the horror of our decisions. We just want life to be easy.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Something to think about
Friday, August 28, 2009
Evil is on the rise in America
And this...
And this...
Let there be no doubt about the level of hatred the Right feels for Obama. We should genuinely fear for our country's first black President...
These people will not rest until he is a National failure or dead. Whichever comes first is fine with them.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
There will undoubtedly be a day or so of public statements from both sides of the political aisle as the politicians fall all over themselves to be seen as someone who cared deeply for Kennedy. And undoubtedly, there will likely be a few who truly can call him close friend. Their words will have meaning to the family and friends of the Kennedy clan.
All that having been said, in a day or so after that, Senators on both sides will begin making plans for the future asking the question, "How can we capitalize on this event."
Sound too harsh? Yes. But that is what will happen. John Boehner undoubtedly is figuring out how he can best gain from this event. There may be emails going back and forth behind the scenes from Republican Senator to Big Business CEO praising God for this gift he has bestowed upon them.
The Congressman of C-Street house, run by the Family , are figuring out how best to come out against the Massachusetts Governor appointing a temporary replacement for the late Sen. Kennedy's seat. They are calculating how best to strongly oppose any such move without appearing too heartless.
I imagine John Boehner, with his trademark scowl, is sending out urgent messages to all of his powerful allies: "We cannot let Obama win...Kennedy's seat must remain vacant!"
What will the Democrats do? Well, if history is any guide, they will defend Ted Kennedy's legacy vigorously, vow to get Health Care Reform done, and in the end, accomplish very little because they are too busy fighting with one another to focus on the job that we put them there to complete.
Do I sound a bit bitter? To borrow a few words from Sarah Palin: "Yep, You Betcha."
p.s., I hope the Dems prove me wrong on this one.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Attacking Obama for Going on Vacation
I am happy that Obama is on vacation but I heard on the radio today, an attack ad aimed at the President which basically ridicules him for taking a vacation at all. Yet the Republicans and their mindless followers seem to forget that their fearless leader George W. Bush had 487 days of vacation during his 8 years in office.
Now think about that for a moment. That would be approximately 60 days of vacation per year for each of the 8 Bush was in office. Stay with me here. 60 days...two months of vacation...our country was at war...Katrina...If anyone should have had pressure to stay in office and work, it was old Bushy-Boy.
I don't know about you, but my employer only give me 3 weeks of vacation and I had to work for them for 4 years to earn that much. In an 8 year period, I have had a total of 70 days of vacation time. I spent more time working than he did.
And yet, Conservative nut Jobs wish to scold Obama?
Come on and get real.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Nancy Pilosi
That is what is desperately needed in our congress people. Cojones.
Now its your turn to do something. I need you to go out there and talk to your Senator about the need for a strong public option. We all know that without it, there can be no real change in healthcare. Your doctor bills will continue to grow and the insurance companies will get even richer.
Please also contact the Whitehouse and tell Barack Obama he has your support to go it alone without the Republicans. It is clear they don't want to play ball. They are only concerned about the next election cycle.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Call To Action
August recess is almost over and our Senators on the Democratic side are getting an ear full. The only problem is they are hearing from the religious right, but not from all of us in the center and left. But why aren't they? Why don't our senators feel empowered to step up and take bold action in favor of Health care Reform? Because you are not standing up!
We have been largely silent since this reform debate has begun. We have turned over the argument to the GOP and their twisted ideas of what government should be about. Instead of allowing government to do for people that which they cannot do for themselves, we have let Republicans use government to line the pockets of the rich.
When the bail outs were being given out, all of the large multinational corporations were in line saying they needed a helping hand. They were too big to fail. But whenever someone dared suggest we help out Middle America, or God forbid the poor people of this country, they were pushed aside and ridiculed for such a ridiculous notion. Now, on the eve of real change, the Republican Party has decided to spread lies and half truths in order to further their agenda: Break the Obama Administration.
The Republican machine, led by Limbaugh, Palin, and others, continue to push lies and hate speech in order to get you confused. They say that reform is too expensive, will involve rationing, and will kill your Grandma. Inflammatory right? How about, "Obama hates white people?" or "Our Country is being turned into another Russia." All designed to get a segment of the population enraged in order to appear as though the average American is against Health Care Reform. Even now, the GOP is enlisting the help of as many recognizable figures as possible to further their agenda.
Enter Sarah Palin. Yep, you bethca. She is out there saying the Bill (which does not yet exist) will include "death Panels" in which big government will decide whether your aging loved ones live or die. OH COME ON PEOPLE! Really? Does anyone really believe this? The answer unfortunately is, Yes. Some of you actually do. Why? Because a Republican told you so. Sarah Palin told you this and you actually believed it was possible. But guess what. These so called death panels actually do exist. But they are not death panels, but insurance executives making that decision with the stroke of their almighty pen. They decide whether or not to give your mother her cancer medication; or your brother his physical therapy after sustaining horrific injuries defending the US on behalf of each of you in Iraq. I bet Sarah never mentions that bit of information. Amazingly, the GOP aren't alone in all of this. We have the fiscal conservative Democrats helping the Republican Party as well.
The Blue Dogs are out there fighting for the Republican ideal as well. They cannot see that nearly 70% of this country expects real Reform to happen this year. Instead, they claim concern for the cost of reform, yet when offered pet projects for their home states, or kick backs from big business, they fold. What they really are boils down to a gun for hire. Whoever has the deepest pockets wins their loyalty. We cannot continue on this path any longer. Now is the time to get active.
So Stand Up! Be heard wherever you go. Talk about the truth to dispel the lies. Visit Reality Check on the Whitehouse website to be sure you are armed with facts. Get involved by visit your Senators offices and talking with them face to face. Send them a handwritten letter explaining your serious concerns. Call them on the phone until you speak with them directly. They must be held to account. And remember, Obama cannot do this without you. If you thought voting him into office was the only contribution you would have to make, YOU WERE WRONG. He needs us to get this thing done. So get off the couch and fight back America!
Yes We Can!
Call Your Senator Today, then tell me about it. I expect you to do your part and let us all know about it here on the Blog. Now get to work!
Get active America
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